Head of department: Dirk Damaschke
Problems during your studies? Unclear examination right? Not with us! The Department of Studies and Education quickly and competently helps all those who come into conflict with the university. In order to achieve this, we deal intensively and critically with the laws and regulations of the university. We also work closely with the members of other committees, such as the Senate, so that we are always up to date on developments within the university. After all, we are there to ensure that your studies run smoothly.
However, if problems nevertheless fall through the usual grid, do not hesitate to draw our attention to them. Then we can intervene. Therefore come to us and tell us your worries and complaints, because we know the responsible contact persons.
If you have general questions about exams, maybe our FAQ can help. If you still have any questions, please write to our advisors, who can also meet you during lunch break. Simply write to us. Questions cost nothing.
Head of department: Dirk Damaschke –
Committee work
For many years we have been dealing with the current developments of the university law and also offer workshops and advice on the subject of committee work. Especially for newcomers to student councils or university committees, the whole jungle of regulations, rules and committees is initially confusing. But don’t let it deter you, because in most cases it’s just the outward appearance and everyone has found their way out of the jungle of committees in one piece.
As an overview you can have a look at our committee guide.
Data Privacy
Sometimes we need personal data as mail adresses or phone numbers to fulfill our job. Our unit is also responsible for the security of your data and is working on concepts which should make it easy as possible for both sides to ensure data privacy.