Need to speak

Where do I go with my questions?

You have a problem but are unsure who to contact at the university? You don’t know who else you could turn to? Would you like to be directed to the right place? Or would you like to ask a question anonymously?

Then write an e-mail to

We will forward your inquiries to the relevant departments or will be happy to help you directly.

If you have problems and don’t know what to do about them, you can write to Sophie or Fabian.



Psychosocial counselling

Study and work difficulties, test anxiety or personal problems …

Almost everyone experiences difficult phases during the studies. Everyone handles these crises differently and not everyone can handle them on their own. Support can be found in the counseling center of the Studentenwerk Freiberg, in the student house “Alte Mensa”, in Petersstraße 5.

  • In a couple of meetings we will work on a solution and orientate you.
  • The consultation can be done anonymously on request and is subject to secrecy.
  • We also do group discussions and workshops of different thematics.

General social counselling

The general social counsellingis characterised by a great variety and amplitude of topics. Questions about student financing, employment during your studies or health insurance can be just as important as questions about social benefits, living or child benefits. In one or several conversations, we try to work with you to find solutions for your personal, study-related, social or economic problems.

It is free, confidential and independent of third parties. Social counseling is subject to secrecy. We advise within our capabilities:

  • Housing benefit
  • Social benefits, ALG 2
  • Child benefit
  • leave of absence
  • Advice on the hardship fund of the DSW

External consulting services

Social Psychiatric Service

Contact Person in “Gesundheitsamt des Landratamtes”

Claudia Hofmann

Telephone: 03731 799-6230


Psychatric Clinic

Fachkrankenhaus BETHANIEN Hochschweitzschen

Telephone: 03731 7987-27

Scheunenstraße 13, 09599 Freiberg


List of registered doctors and psychotherapists

On this page you can find a suitable doctor or psychotherapist in your area.


On call-service in Freiberg

Phone: 116 123

Phone: 0800/111 0 111 (evangelical)

Phone: 0800/111 0 222 (katholic)

Phone: 0800/111 0 333 (for Children)

Phone: 0800/111 0 550 (for Parents)


TUBAFplus: Health Management of the university