New Shared Apartment (WG) Formation for Students

Form a new shared apartment (WG) – Get connected now!

The current housing shortage / lack of shared flats (WG) in Freiberg has caused a great deal of unrest among a large number of first-year students and internationals. The refurbishment of student residences and a new influx of students are influencing this. As a result, the Studentenwerk (StuWe) has organized a private accommodation service where students can register in order to find private accommodation more easily. However, many students do not want their own apartment, but would prefer a shared flat. Unfortunately, these are currently all occupied. As we also received an increasing number of inquiries and complaints from various directions, the StuRa decided to support the students. For this reason, the campaign “WG-Neugründung” was launched to help students who are currently in this situation. The aim is to network students and give them the opportunity to get to know each other so that people can find each other to form a new shared flat. We then try to put the groups in touch with private housing companies with the help of the StuWe.

The campaign is beginning to bear fruit: the first groups have been found and there is great interest. This also shows the urgency and importance of this campaign.

How does it work?
We’ve created a WhatsApp group where you can sign up if you’re interested in forming a WG. In the group, you can connect with other students and organize your new shared apartment. Once you’ve found a group, we can help you connect with housing companies to secure an apartment.

For the overview we also have a table where you can enter your names if you are looking for a group or have already found one.

Link to the WhatsApp group:
Join the WhatsApp group

Who can join?
This offer is particularly aimed at first-semester students and internationals who are looking for a shared apartment but haven’t found one yet.

Not using WhatsApp? No problem!
If you don’t want to use WhatsApp, feel free to contact us via email: .

Overview with links and information on living in Freiberg for international students