Symbolbild: StuRa

Agenda for the StuRa-meeting on the 01st of July 2021


StuRa-meeting on the 01st of July 2021, 20 o´clock in the Conference room Neue Mensa or online with Access link:

  1. Welcoming, attendance, quorum
  2. Amendment of the agenda
  3. Finance requests
  4. Protocol confirmation
  5. Roundtable: information
  6. Constitution
  7. Discharge Board
  8. Any other business
  9. Date of the next meeting

*In order to attend the meeting, a test record of a negative corona test resultfrom the same day must be presented or a self-test must be taken on site.
In addition, a medical or FFP2 mask must be worn during the event, and a distance of 1.5 m must be maintained between attendees at all times. The contact details of all participants will be recorded.

You can find a short explanation of additionally agenda points following this link: