StuRa-meeting on the 11th of May 2023, 20 o´clock, Small meeting room in Neuen Mensa, Agricolastraße 10a AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Amendment of the agenda Finance requests Protocol confirmation Roundtable: information Any other business InternalContinue reading
Kategorie: Agenda
Agenda for the StuRa-meeting on the 11th of May 2023
StuRa-meeting on the 11th of May 2023, 20 o´clock, Meeting room of the Rectorate, Akademiestr.6/Mittelbau AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Amendment of the agenda Finance requests Protocol confirmation Posting RC Internationalization Exam resignation Roundtable: information AnyContinue reading
Agenda for the StuRa-meeting on the 04th of May 2023
StuRa-meeting on the 04th of May 2023, 20 o´clock, Meeting room of the Rectorate, Akademiestr.6/Mittelbau AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Amendment of the agenda Finance requests Protocol confirmation Presentation EURECA-PRO Posting of sports consultant Roundtable: informationContinue reading
Agenda for the StuRa-meeting on the 27th of April 2023
StuRa-meeting on the 27th of April 2023, 20 o´clock, Meeting room of the Rectorate, Akademiestr.6/Mittelbau AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Amendment of the agenda Finance requests Protocol confirmation Posting RK AZ Withdrawals from examinations Roundtable: informationContinue reading
Agenda for the StuRa-meeting on the 20th of April 2023
StuRa-meeting on the 20th of April 2023, 20 o´clock, Meeting room of the Rectorate, Akademiestr.6/Mittelbau AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Amendment of the agenda Finance requests Protocol confirmation Roundtable: information Any other business Internal Date ofContinue reading
Agenda for the StuRa-meeting on the 30th of March 2023
StuRa-meeting on the 30th of March 2023, 20 o´clock, Meeting room of the Rectorate, Akademiestr.6/Mittelbau AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Amendment of the agenda Finance requests Budget vote 2023/24 Protocol confirmation Semesterticket Roundtable: information Any otherContinue reading
Agenda for the StuRa-meeting on the 23th of March 2023
StuRa-meeting on the 23th of March 2023, 20 o´clock, Meeting room of the Rectorate, Akademiestr.6/Mittelbau AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Amendment of the agenda Finance requests Protocol confirmation Roundtable: information Any other business Internal Date ofContinue reading
Agenda for the StuRa-meeting on the 12th of January 2023
StuRa-meeting on the 12th of January 2023, 20 o´clock, Meeting room of the Rectorate, Akademiestr.6/Mittelbau AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Amendment of the agenda Finance requests Protocol confirmation Roundtable: information Any other business Internal Date ofContinue reading
Agenda for the StuRa-meeting on the 05th of January 2023
StuRa-meeting on the 05th of January 2023, 20 o´clock, Meeting room of the Rectorate, Akademiestr.6/Mittelbau AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Amendment of the agenda Finance requests Protocol confirmation Semester ticket Roundtable: information Any other business InternalContinue reading
Agenda for the StuRa-meeting on the 15th of December 2022
StuRa-meeting on the 15th of December 2022, 20 o´clock, Meeting room of the Rectorate, Akademiestr.6/Mittelbau AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Amendment of the agenda Finance requests Protocol confirmation Receipt of the TU logo Roundtable: information AnyContinue reading
Agenda for the StuRa-meeting on the 08th of December 2022
StuRa-meeting on the 08th of December 2022, 20 o´clock, Meeting room of the Rectorate, Akademiestr.6/Mittelbau AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Amendment of the agenda Finance requests Protocol confirmation Roundtable: information Any other business Internal Date ofContinue reading
Agenda for the StuRa-meeting on the 01st of December 2022
StuRa-meeting on the 01st of December 2022, 20 o´clock, Meeting room of the Rectorate, Akademiestr.6/Mittelbau AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Amendment of the agenda Finance requests Protocol confirmation VFF cooperation Youth Council Uni trading cards Roundtable:Continue reading
Agenda for the StuRa-meeting on the 24th of November 2022
StuRa-meeting on the 24th of November 2022, 20 o´clock, Meeting room of the Rectorate, Akademiestr.6/Mittelbau AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Amendment of the agenda Finance requests Protocol confirmation Roundtable: information Any other business Internal Date ofContinue reading
Agenda for the StuRa-meeting on the 17 of November 2022
StuRa-meeting on the 17th of November 2022, 20 o´clock, Meeting room of the Rectorate, Akademiestr.6/Mittelbau AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Amendment of the agenda Finance requests Protocol confirmation DIES academicus 2023/24 Christmas market S-InSo (ConsultationContinue reading
Agenda for the StuRa-meeting on the 10th of November 2022
StuRa-meeting on the 10th of November 2022, 20 o´clock, Meeting room of the Rectorate, Akademiestr.6/Mittelbau AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Amendment of the agenda Finance requests Protocol confirmation Recognition of SMD as a university group DIESContinue reading
Agenda for the StuRa-meeting on the 03th of November 2022
StuRa-meeting on the 03th of November 2022, 20 o´clock, Meeting room of the Rectorate, Akademiestr.6/Mittelbau AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Amendment of the agenda Finance requests Protocol confirmation Christmas market Roundtable: information Any other businessContinue reading
Agenda for the StuRa-meeting on the 20th of October 2022
StuRa-meeting on the 20th of October 2022, 20 o´clock, Meeting room of the Rectorate, Akademiestr.6/Mittelbau Acces link: AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Amendment of the agenda Finance requests Protocol confirmation Problems in teaching student officeContinue reading
Agenda for the StuRa-meeting on the 13th of October 2022
StuRa-meeting on the 13th of October 2022, 12 o´clock, EAC/ErdAlchimistenClub, Agricolastraße 10a AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Amendment of the agenda Finance requests Protocol confirmation Roundtable: information Any other business Date of the next meeting Continue reading
Agenda for the StuRa-meeting on the 29th of September 2022
StuRa-meeting on the 29th of September 2022, 20 o´clock, Acces link: AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Amendment of the agenda Finance requests Protocol confirmation Roundtable: information Any other business Internal Date of the next meeting Continue reading
Agenda for the StuRa-meeting on the 22th of September 2022
StuRa-meeting on the 22th of September 2022, 20 o´clock, Acces link: AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Amendment of the agenda Finance requests Protocol confirmation Roundtable: information Study Admission/Equal Opportunities Any other business Internal Date ofContinue reading