StuRa-meeting on the 24th of February 2022, 20 o´clock, Acces link: AGENDA 1. Welcoming, attendance, quorum 2. Amendment of the agenda 3. Finance requests 4. Protocol confirmation 5. Appointment of cash auditor 6. Roundtable: information 7. AnyContinue reading
Kategorie: Agenda
Agenda for the StuRa-meeting on the 10th of February 2022
StuRa-meeting on the 10th of February 2022, 20 o´clock, Acces link: AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Amendment of the agenda Finance requests Protocol confirmation Participation/keynote speech „Culture connects.“ StuRa homepage “Publications” Roundtable: information Any otherContinue reading
Agenda for the StuRa-meeting on the 3rd of February 2022
StuRa-meeting on the 3rd of February 2022, 20 o´clock, Acces link: AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Amendment of the agenda Finance requests Protocol confirmation Roundtable: information Any other business Internal Date of the next meetingContinue reading
Agenda for the StuRa-meeting on the 27th of January 2022
StuRa-meeting on the 27th of January 2022, 20 o´clock, Acces link: AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Amendment of the agenda Finance requests Protocol confirmation Roundtable: information Any other business Internal Date of the next meetingContinue reading
Agenda for the StuRa-meeting on the 20th of January 2022
StuRa-meeting on the 20th of January 2022, 20 o´clock, Acces link: AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Amendment of the agenda Finance requests Protocol confirmation Roundtable: information Any other business Internal Date of the next meetingContinue reading
Agenda for the StuRa-meeting on the 13th of January 2022
StuRa-meeting on the 13th of January 2022, 20 o´clock, Acces link: AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Amendment of the agenda Finance requests Protocol confirmation Dispatches Space requirement concept Garden working group Roundtable: information Any otherContinue reading
Agenda for the StuRa-meeting on the 16th of December 2021
StuRa-meeting on the 16th of December 2021, 20 o´clock, Acces link: AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Amendment of the agenda Finance requests Protocol confirmation Administrative council of the Studentenwerk Roundtable: information Any other businessContinue reading
Agenda for the StuRa-meeting on the 09th of December 2021
StuRa-meeting on the 9th of December 2021, 20 o´clock, Acces link: AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Amendment of the agenda Finance requests Protocol confirmation Career Center – ORTE Working group mobility Open letterContinue reading
Agenda for the StuRa-meeting on the 02nd of December 2021
StuRa-meeting on the 2nd of December 2021, 20 o´clock, Acces link: AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Amendment of the agenda Finance requests Release 2020/21 Protocol confirmation DIES academicus Roundtable: information Any other business Internal DateContinue reading
Agenda for the StuRa-meeting on the 25th of November 2021
StuRa-meeting on the 25th of November 2021, 20 o´clock, lecture hall Schloßplatzquartier- SPQ1301, Prüferstraße 4 AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Amendment of the agenda Finance requests Protocol confirmation Senate Canvassing BBK- key Roundtable: information Any otherContinue reading
Agenda for the StuRa-meeting on the 18th of November 2021
StuRa-meeting on the 18th of November 2021, 20 o´clock, Meeting room of the Rectorate, Akademiestr.6/Mittelbau AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Amendment of the agenda Finance requests Protocol confirmation KSS deployment Roundtable: information Any other business InternalContinue reading
Agenda for the StuRa-meeting on the 11th of November 2021
StuRa-meeting on the 11th of November 2021, 20 o´clock, Meeting room of the Rectorate, Akademiestr.6/Mittelbau AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Amendment of the agenda Finance requests Protocol confirmation Administrative council of the Studentenwerk Roundtable: information AnyContinue reading
Agenda for the StuRa-meeting on the 04th of November 2021
StuRa-meeting on the 04th of November 2021, 20 o´clock, Meeting room of the Rectorate, Akademiestr.6/Mittelbau AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Amendment of the agenda Finance requests Protocol confirmation Roundtable: information Any other business Internal Date ofContinue reading
Agenda for the StuRa-meeting on the 28th of October 2021
StuRa-meeting on the 28th of October 2021, 20 o´clock, Meeting room of the Rectorate, Akademiestr.6/Mittelbau AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Amendment of the agenda Finance requests Protocol confirmation Roundtable: information Any other business Date of theContinue reading
StuRa-meeting on the 08th of October 2021
StuRa-special-meeting on the 08th of October 2021, 20 o´clock, Acces link: AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Current corona regulations at TUBAF Guests are very welcome!
Agenda for the StuRa-meeting on the 30th of September 2021
StuRa-meeting on the 30th of September 2021, 20 o´clock, Acces link: AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Amendment of the agenda Finance requests Protocol confirmation Election to replace the Head of Studies / Education Rectorate committeeContinue reading
Agenda for the StuRa-meeting on the 16th of September 2021
StuRa-meeting on the 16th of September 2021, 20 o´clock, Acces link: AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Amendment of the agenda Finance requests Protocol confirmation Election to replace the Head of Studies / Education Dispatch ofContinue reading
Agenda for the StuRa-meeting on the 02nd of September 2021
StuRa-meeting on the 02nd of September 2021, 20 o´clock, Acces link: AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Amendment of the agenda Finance requests Protocol confirmation Voting for the recognition of a working group Freshmen weeks GardenContinue reading
Agenda for the StuRa-meeting on the 26th of August 2021
StuRa-meeting on the 26th of August 2021, 20 o´clock, Acces link: AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Amendment of the agenda Finance requests Protocol confirmation workgroup – presentation Roundtable: information Any other business Date of theContinue reading
Agenda for the StuRa-meeting on the 29th of July 2021
StuRa-meeting on the 29th of July 2021, 20 o´clock, “Alte Mensa”, Petersstraße 5 AGENDA Welcoming, attendance, quorum Amendment of the agenda Finance requests Protocol confirmation Roundtable: information Any other business Date of the next meetingContinue reading