Head of Department: Paul Weckbrod and Dirk Damascke
Seven euros of your semester fee go to the student council. The financial managers make sure that this money is used in the best interest of the student body. All in all, they pay attention to the economy of the expenditures and compliance with the legal regulations.
The faculty student councils and AGs each keep their own budget. However, their financial requests are voted on individually by the Student Council. In accordance with the financial regulations of the student body, attention is paid to economic efficiency and to ensuring that the expenditures benefit a large group of students. Own initiatives, new projects, student events and cultural contributions are secured against losses. Financial requests must always be made before the expenditure is made and only carried out if the request has been positively voted. You can find necessary documents here. You are welcome to attend our meetings on Thursdays at 8pm to be directly available for questions about your request and to know immediately if your request has been approved. You can also email finanzen@stura.tu-freiberg.de, or stop by the office during our open hours weekdays between 10am and 2pm to inquire about the status of your application.
Be sure to keep your receipts for your expenses and turn them in to us with your completed cash disbursement request if you need reimbursement from us. All regulations in detail can be found in the Student Body Financial Regulations.
If you have any questions for our financial managers Paul Weckbrod and Dirk Damascke, please write to finanzen@stura.tu-freiberg.de or come to the financial office hours, (currently no financial office hours, due to summer vacation)