Head of Department: Nikolas Auerswald
The PR-team is responsible for publicising and advertising events and, of course, for classic press work. In this way we want to ensure the necessary transparency of our work both for the student body and the public. The technical department is our main supporter, which is available for IT questions, maintenance and new acquisition of equipment.
Furthermore, we work together with other institutions of the university, for example all our AGs, the Career Center, the public relations of the university and the other student committees, but also with the Central Saxon Theatre. In this way we want to offer you a wide range of information and activities. Our media are mainly our own homepage, our Instagram and Facebook page and the Unirundmail.
We also see it as our task to arouse students’ interest in committee work. We would like everyone to want to get involved and not hide behind phrases like “in Freiberg nothing ever works anyway”. No more #bergakademimi.
Are you interested to join us? We are constantly looking for freelancers. Please contact us for that or any questions: pr@stura.tu-freiberg.de.