AGs (Workgroups), University groups & Initiatives

There is a variation of AGs (workgroups) under the direction of the student council. Here you find an alphabetic list.




The “Arbeitskreis Ausländische Studierende (AKAS)” in English Working Group Foreign Students is a group of foreign and German students of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg. We are an initative of the Student Council, the DAAD-supported Local Erasmus + Initiative (LEI) and cooperate closely with the International University Center Alexander von Humboldt. For our fellow students, we see ourselves as contact persons.

We would like to promote the integration of foreign students at the university as well as the exchange between Lokale Erasmus Initiativenforeign and German students. One focus of our work is the cultural support of foreign students. We do organize various events, such as the Festival of Cultures, Excursions and much more. Foreign students can make an active contribution by presenting their home countries, their culture or the history of their country during the International Corner or International Evenings. Of course German students are also welcome to participate and organize events together with us or simply make new contacts.




AG Astronomie

Hello astronomy enthusiasts, do you like to be out and about in the evenings?

Are you enthusiastic about topics related to space?

Then come along: We look through telescopes, photograph the moon, planets and galaxies and exchange ideas on all topics of astronomy (geology, physics, chemistry and space travel).

The meeting point is every Monday at 8 p.m. in the Barbarakeller (Nonnengasse 22 in Freiberg).

We always start there with lectures on an astronomical topic and the latest “astro news”. If the sky is clear, we go out to the telescopes at around 9 p.m.; occasionally on other days of the week (additionally).


Website: AG_Astronomy_TUBAF

AG Big Band – Wood’n‘Brass

Where we are there is music, and where there is music there we are.
In our Big Band we play many diverse genres of music. If you are looking for classic Jazz, Funk, Soul or Rock, you are at the right place!

Since 2015 the Wood’n’Brass Big Band gives a home to all musicians, who are willing to play in a group. Generally we are cast as a classic big band in the style of the 30s and 40s. Whether trombone, trumpet, saxophone or guitar, big band experience or not, we are always in search of new members.

We rehearse every Wednesday 7.30 pm at the Lessingbau (E014). If you are interested in joining us, or booking us for an event, please contact us. Of course you can also just come to our rehearsal.

We will be happy to hear (from) you!



Drachenhort | DnD, board games and much more!

The Drachenhort is the role-playing and board game club of the Stura Freiberg. But the thing is much less bureaucratic and stiff than it sounds. We also see ourselves less as a working group but as a community.
The Drachenhort has been existing since the winter term 2000/2001 and since then we try to offer a platform to all fans of unusual parlor games. We want to give the old chaps the opportunity to find new players in Freiberg as well as to introduce newcomers to the different game systems. The one or the other enthusiastic Drachenhort member has already found a new hobby and of course new friends this way. The AG Drachenhort meets weekly on Tuesdays and Fridays at 7pm in the Barbarakeller in Nonnengasse 22.

If you are interested you can join the server under this link:


Ensiferra ad Freiberg | Middle Age Enthusiasts

Hail thee, fellow Medieval Enthusiasts!

You want to be in the thick of battle instead of just on the sidelines? You fancy to see the Middle Ages not only through Your PC? The Ensiferra ad Freiberg IG can provide just that!

We are an open-minded company of knights, vikings, and warriors from other cultures, dedicated to historical life. Our focus is historically correct fighting with sword, axe and shield. However, we like to revive camp life including medieval cuisine and handicrafts, as well. You′re rather interested in music and jugglery? We may be Your platform for that, too! We look forward to make the Middle Ages come back to life in any manner.

Did we catch You? Just join us!

We are currently based in the Lessing building. The training takes place at the usual times in room E202 (ground floor, south wing towards Johannesbad, Lessingstraße 45). On Thursdays, like the last 2 summers, we have an outdoor training session on the lawn in the courtyard. Current training time is 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. (as of May 27, 2024, but is regularly adjusted with the sunset time, so please get in touch if you are interested in participating).

The only basic requirement for participation is Your interest in the european Middle Ages, nothing more. For fencing training however, basic protection consisting of long pants, sturdy shoes and padded gloves is mandatory.


AG Fahrrad | Cycling

Is cycling just your thing? Do you also like to tinker with your bike or are you looking for people to help you? Or are you still looking for a suitable bike?

Then the AG Fahrrad is the right place for you! In addition to regular bike tours around Freiberg and bike rental, we are dedicated to the maintenance of your bike, for which we have a well-equipped workshop. As a member of the AG Fahrrad, you are welcome to get involved in the further development of cycling at TUBAF at our regular meetings.

Simply contact us via



AG Feminismus 30/70 | Feminism

AG Feminismus Logo

Feminism 30/70 is a committed group of people, living and studying in Freiberg, that tries to make visible the gender inequality we face nowadays. In order to do that, we organize monthly presentations or meetings (since May 2018) focussing on specific aspects of sexism, which negatively affect women and men on daily basis. Our activities are open to the public and we hope to affect as many people as possible.

We invite you all to join our group or join us in our activities.

Contact information


AG Grubenwehr | Mine rescue team

In general, the mine rescue team is the combination of fire and rescue services in mining industries. This voluntary association of members receives special training to be able to respond to various scenarios. The mine rescue team is called when special events occur that can only be resolved with special equipment or experience. These include events such as finding missing persons, an underground fire, or providing care to injured persons. The aim of the AG Grubenwehr is to further educate ourselves in the field of rescue and to get to know the procedure in extreme situations at every level. For this purpose, we want to study and practice in different fields such as the basics of first aid, how to proceed in movement patterns, rescue scenarios underground or staff work and experience them for ourselves in exercises. At the same time, we want to create an exchange between semesters, courses of study and faculties, which also grows together through joint sports activities. We want to create an understanding of the procedures and processes that many students are confronted with in the raw materials industry. In addition, we want to represent the connection to mining and the miners. There are no requirements regarding semester, degree program or gender. However, one must have the ability to work in a team, be reliable and also enjoy sports and exertion. If you are interested and have any questions, we will be happy to help. With a thunderous “Glück Auf!” The AG Grubenwehr.


MAKI – AG (Manga Anime and Japanese Culture Club)

MAKI-AG offers a forum for anime, manga, and Japanese culture enthusiasts and those who aspire to be one. Since its founding in 2014, the club has met every Wednesday to discuss the latest episodes, news and other topics in a cozy atmosphere.

The meeting starts at 20:00 in Barbarakeller, Nonnengasse 22. There are regular presentations to give the members a deeper insight into anime or Japanese culture related topics. We play games like Mahjong, Shogi, Go, and western games alike, but we also appreciate new game suggestions.

Our club travels to the Leipziger Buchmesse as an annual event and occasionally to other conventions in the vicinity. We always enjoy meeting new people! If we sparked your interest, we invite you to be our guest


Maki AG im Barbarakeller November 2018

AG Umwelt | Environmental Activists

An environmentally oriented university – that is the goal of the AG Umwelt. Our projects are based on a broad range of topics, including energy, raw materials/resources, food and nature. The “nature” of the events are correspondingly colorful. These include, for example, action days, lectures,

 excursions and work assignments. The work of the Umwelt AG is enriched by cooperation with region

al associations and companies. Does all this seem too serious to you? Far from it – we also have a lot of fun. One example of this is the freshman weekend at the beginning 

of each winter semester. You are interested in en

vironmental topics, you have ideas and suggestions and you want to have fun implementing projects? Then we would like to invite you to join the Umwelt AG.

When: every Wednesday 6.15 p.m.
Where:  in the new libery room 3.213



AG QueErz | LGBTQ+ Community

We are the LGBT*QIA+ group of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg. We want to expand the queer range and be a contact point for students.
Do you want to socialize and engage for the LGBT*QIA+ community? Are you interested in presentations, discussions and critical events all about queer issues?
Our goal is to create a safe and discrimination-free area, where you can comfortably sit together, but also get easily informed.

For more information write to us via mail or instagram.
We are looking forward to meeting you!




Telegram group:


VocaVox is a student vocal group dedicated entirely to a cappella singing. Founded in April 2012 as a small ensemble, our membership has grown quite a lot. Our repertoire includes 4- to 6-part sets of pieces from a wide variety of styles. Thus, in addition to classical works and church choral literature, we also sing folk songs, pop songs, vocal pop pieces, and original arrangements of titles that we like. In our rehearsals, which take place once a week in the Alte Mensa, we not only rehearse and practice seriously, but also have a lot of fun. We have already demonstrated our skills on various occasions, including the Student Days, the Bergstadt Festival and our joint Christmas concert with Jazz2Go.

We can be reached by e-mail at

or via our Facebook page


Are you a gaming fan? A sports enthusiast? Possibly both? Perfect! In that case the VR-Realm is exactly the right place for you.                                                                                                                      Have you always wanted to take a peak into a new, unknown, virtual world but never had the space or money needed for the equipment? Or maybe you just want to give virtual reality a try?

We’re there for you and will provide all the necessary Hard- & Software. Whether its competitive sports, action shooter or immersive adventure; we got you covered.

Interested? Awesome! Just come visit us every Thursday at 8:00pm at the Alte Mensa club at Petersstraße 5.



Initiatives, University groups and Associations

With the decision of the 26th meeting of the student council on February 20th, 2025, the “Studis gegen Rechts Freiberg” was recognized by the StuRa as a university groups

With the decision of the 5th meeting of the student council on July 14th, 2022, the JUSO university group Freiberg was recognized by the StuRa as a university group.

With the decision of the 5th meeting of the student council on October 1st, 2020,  Hochschul-SMD Freiberg und Rock, um zu helfen! e. V.   recognized as a university group.

 In addition to these AGs belonging to the Student Council, you will find a list and links to the initiatives and associations here: